If customers wish to return one or more items, you can do so within 30 days of receipt of the order, provided that the products are intact, sealed, complete with all accessories and manuals, in the original packaging, which can not be altered or damaged.
To exercise your right of return, the customer should contact TEMOSONLINE, specify the order number, description or reference (s) product (s) you want to return and what form of reimbursement you want. Reimbursement may be made through the original payment method.
The customer will also have to take into account whether the product you want to return was acquired as part of any promotional campaign and therefore, benefited from any product offering. If you have been the case, you must return not only the product in question, but also the offer that was assigned to your purchase. Both products must comply with the above guidelines.
The (s) article (s) should be sent to the following address:
Travessa do Sobreiro, 29, Rio Côvo (Sta. Eugénia) 4755-474 Barcelos, Portugal
The return of incomplete or damaged products as well as products without packaging or products with signs of having been used will not be accepted.
If any article is rececionado the above conditions, the customer will lose the right to be refunded and will take 10 days to collect (s) article (s) in the above facilities supporting the collection costs.
The customer must make the return of the (s) Article (s) requesting the appropriate refund and make a new purchase. The entire return process is fully described in “Returns”.
Methods of reimbursement
The TEMOSONLINE will endeavor to refund the customer quickly, safeguarding, however, a maximum of 15 days of receipt of the return in the warehouse above.
If the payment was made by credit card, the refund will be made on the card and will appear on the next statement of it. *
If payment has been made by PayPal, the refund will be credited to their account PayPal and is available immediately. *
If payment has been made in the collection or ATM, will request the customer to provide the bank account details to which you want the refund amount to be transferred. *
* The above mentioned payment methods may not be available for all countries. To find out what payment methods available to the client in the country, read the information provided above under “Payment Methods.”
Return costs
SeBeing notified TEMOSONLINE and confirming an error occurred in the product (s) (s) issued (s) or product shipment (s) defective, the TEMOSONLINE bear the costs of return through the collection, delivery address, (s) of product (s) concerned. Thus, a developer TEMOSONLINE will contact the customer to schedule such collection and to provide any further information on this topic.
If the customer chooses to make the return of demand for an alternative means, the costs of this return will be borne by themselves.